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Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Thank Goodness for Blogger!

Have you ever have a bad customer service from a bank, a restaurant or anyone? I believe it is so common that any customer related industrial should focus and enhance on their customer service. It is the only way for long term and return business. I recently purchase a unit of apartment here in Phnom Penh and I am so furious about the sale customer service who treated me so unimportant and neglect her duty that I have to write a complain letter.
Her attitude is so impolite and she always busy that she could not take the time to return any of my call and I am so angry that the company doesn't seem to have any other staff who can handle my case.

What will you do if you meet such service? How would you handle the situation?

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Loss weight by the bottle

After my son was born I have not been able to loss anymore weight, I know it's only been 6 months but it becomes so hard to just figure out and schedule the time to do it! I was 57kg before I got marry and I gain 17kg during the pregnancy. Now my weight just stay at 64kg and I just couldn't get it to go down. I understand that I suppose to exercise burn more calories than taking in but it is so damn hard! I see why so many people has loss motivation and keep buying pills just to loss weight. I was looking up a baking site when there is an ad show weight loss with "natural" products by 6 weeks. I click on it and man they make it seems so easy and cost $75/bottle which is expensive so I start searching, even though there is no clinical proven that the ingredient help weight loss or and FDA approved on the product but they're selling so well!!

How can any weight loss come by just taking pill? Well I don't believe them but millions of people do! Commitment and hard work is the key to weight loss! So I have started to exercise and doing yoga on my own I'm trying to keep it at least 3 times a week so let's see the result. My timeline is 3-6 months.