I haven't blog in a long time been busy but I will soon with pictures of cause.
In the developing world or not I believe basic manners are from within and people are either plain rude or just have bad character. I'm on my way to Japan right now and while I was in line there is a man (Caucasian) just walk right in front of me and cut my line which I see so commonly but mostly are Asian men or women who I always assume has less of characters. Just because he is "white" the airline personal let him do that. Simple rudeness. I didn't say anything because maybe I lack courage but I am being a bigger person here brush off the bad character person which I think the world must have at least more than 50% in population.
They should label these people and have a stay away sign light up on top of their head. This way at least I can avoid thing I hate.
Suggestion to deal with rude people?