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Monday, July 28, 2014

Book of the month

Since working for the company I have try many ways to enhance the working environment and doing something good for our staff despite there is time where I gave up on the company due to the leader's vision and management style differ from my beliefs.

An average education level is low through out Cambodia, individual who obtain sufficient education will be able to find job and work at some comfortable surrounding and I like to think that this company is doing something to create a better working condition.

I started a book reader session on a monthly basis, but there are so few of them like to read which is sad but understandable. I used to dislike books and I though it is so boring to read on print. Only after I moved back that books have become an eye opening for me and keep me company through all these empty time. When I finish a book, I always feel that I learn something new.

This month I have been reading One Man's View of the WORLD - Lee Kuan Yew. An interesting insightful of his opinion on the world. I admirer his character and Singapore is fortunate to have such a leader.

It is a great book from a leader perspective, pick up and have read. Great for politic enthusiast.


Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Oceanography....deep blue sea

Interestingly I came across an article published today on BBC NEWS on the down under species and it said scientist has only focus on shallow water and we have no knowledge about other out there. Today I learn that there's a Kingdom call Animalia and I bet your spelling check doesn't even carry this word. It sounds so awesome tho and I get to wiki search on animal like snailfish, cusk-eel, amphipod which look like shrimp and crayfish cross breed.

Alicella gigantea have you heard of it? Such a cool name and so much that scientist doesn't know about them.

It the deep blue that keep me wonder.

Check out for more reading

Swim away.....

Wake up to reality...investing in developing countries

If I have my readers wonder what do I do? Let me tell you I work for a company that been open for a long time and all we did was to convince investors into the country to invest build factory and create jobs for the local people. We try very hard to present our country to the world that we're ready to accommodate all businesses from major corporation (which many are here already) to medium and small enterprises.

The truth to be told, I believe when venturing into country like ours it is very common and should be expected that not everything work the way you want them to be. At least not from my point of view. The corruption will be there, people will have lesser education level which equivalent to lower mentality of understanding how thing suppose to work. But then again, how does thing should really work? I'm talking about corruption, under table, red tape or whatever you want to call them.

If you're a true transparency company coming over to country like ours do you really expect everything to change, let's be real here. A country runs just like an organization, it sets out to generate profit, maintain votes from its people and all the political wills to maintain "the system" the way it has been.

I believe changes are good and it can bring the country to future growth but all changes come with a price along the way it will also raise problems and more issue to solve.

There's a company who interested to invest with us and have been trying hard to convince the governments that they need to change and not charge any under table money. I'm 100% sure that all Ministers and their team will agree and welcome them happily. STOP! Think! Do you really believe that's how the game work? If the government can't collect from the foreigner then where do you think the income or revenue flows in? The source of their living will stop just because you say it is the right way to do business? Think about it there will always become someone else expenses to continue paying those money. Why? Because if no one pay up then we, the local, will have the hell of live doing business in our own country.

Something will changes but only through time and education that it will make a developing country into a developed country. Don't expect it to happen in the next few years, it will take decades to groom the generation that are selfless and love the nation as it should be.

I'm just hoping that that kind of day will come while I'm still alive.

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Shout Out for Youtube stars

If you are like me and love to watch Youtube for all sort of thing and entertainment do check these guys and girls out as they're my favorite people to watch:

Bruno Albouze: He's a chef who move from France to San Diago, CA and his skills for cooking is top notch and I can't any other channel who is professional and fun like him

Michelle Phan: She's huge and I been follow her since she started ipsa the beauty community both hers and Mr. Bruno's video I seen all of it and they are all amazing. She's a girl next door who turn dream into reality and her voice is so friendly that just keep watching her. She's a great make-up guru and have her own cosmetic line which I brought and I'm loving it tho it kind of expensive

CAPE: Subscribe if you're an Asian like me cause they're the supporter of Asia actors with awesome people on it

Cookingwithdog: The Japanese lady chef is so adorable and skillful and I tried her recipes which all turn out super delicious make me want to fly over and learn Japanese cooking with her

Improv Everywhere: amazing people doing amazing things

Kina Grannis: Love her voice and she's so talented

Munchies: I got to say they know food around the world and the chefs are people who just like us but dare to take the step and make their dream come true

Gennaro Contaldo: I can't believe he doesn't have million of subscribers which make me thing what happen to all the food lover? You got to love him amazing amazing person

Last is ScottBradleeLovesya: They are awesome team who did cover for all the famous songs into jazz and their own style which I love to listen

Check them out if you're reading this blog. If you love food, creativity and music like I do, you will love them

When will this corruption stop? Is it never ending? -- updated

I have seen so many corruption in this country and this region that it is so normal but it was to point that I have to bi*^$% about it in my blog which I can't (not that I don't want) but I just can't say who here how the story goes:

Last year a certain very high profile individual brought a piece of land which is very close to my mum's house about 200m away and this person decided to build a juggle house where he raised all kind of exotic animals within his compound which is fine by us cause it doesn't bother any of us anyway. His trees are imported each at least 2meters in height, then a few month back this particular person decided that it is time "improve the road" which our road consider one of the best in town. It doesn't have any hole nor does it has any damage and during raining it doesn't flood.

Just because this person is high ranking and related to the big guy in our country he can just do whatever he feels like. The problem is the damn contractor did the road and leave about 20cm blank from all the residential which is fine but they never did any dike! for the water to flow out! So here is their offer pay $1,000USD and they will complete the blank.

I made a total sum up there are about 20-30 houses living along the 800m stretch of our road so it comes up to 20,000-30,000USD. What in the world? This is the government ideal of improving life for the people? There are ton of roads that needed repair but never did and our neighborhood is not a millionaire area yet we were ask to pay this kind of money just to add concrete so that our car can park into our houses. Tell me what kind of government do this, if not the corrupted one!

Since our internet is so well that I can't upload the pictures to show everyone let it be for now but will definitely sum up the pictures later.

The house that built for a juggle

 In front of my house and that is the space that was left

 I have to admit that the road is much better but still...paying for public road is not the residential duty unless it was through tax money