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Friday, March 25, 2016

The 2nd pregnancy

It has been a long time since I post something. I'm 7th month into my second pregnancy and have officially put up my resignation at my current company. It was obvious that I needed to that long time ago, just timing wasn't right.

It is a big risk and I'm starting new chapter in my life which will different and dare to say difficult, but it feels right!

For the first time, in a long time, I feel like I'm persuading my dream and something I love to do. I work up with energy and look forward to discover new thing in life.

Spending with Nolan is one of the funnest thing as well, it keeps me smile daily. Much to do ahead but I can't wait.

Saturday, April 11, 2015

epiphany Of my life....

Today as of 11th April 2015 I went about my normal day attend meeting and attend friends events.... through conversation I realize something so real and so strong that I'm about to make the major decision life changing for me. I've been passionate about food and making things right, but I can't make real changes if I'm not even at the right place to be. I will move into government sector Education department and make real changes because I belive only real changes can happen start from basic education.

I need to have a wake up call!

Have to passion to drive your goal!

Sunday, November 16, 2014

Rudeness is simple it doesn't go by nationality

I haven't blog in a long time been busy but I will soon with pictures of cause.

In the developing world or not I believe basic manners are from within and people are either plain rude or just have bad character. I'm on my way to Japan right now and while I was in line there is a man (Caucasian) just walk right in front of me and cut my line which I see so commonly but mostly are Asian men or women who I always assume has less of characters. Just because he is "white" the airline personal let him do that. Simple rudeness. I didn't say anything because maybe I lack courage but I am being a bigger person here brush off the bad character person which I think the world must have at least more than 50% in population. 

They should label these people and have a stay away sign light up on top of their head. This way at least I can avoid thing I hate.

Suggestion to deal with rude people?

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Sometime I just bi&*%$ about it because it releases by stress....

Last night before I closed my eyes I suddenly remember my trip to America in June during my brother's graduation. I have been busy and couldn't bother to blog about it but it hits me that the event hit me so hard. I still remember the faces of those immigration officers at SF.

I don't understand why people still being racist and no customer service skill or whatsoever.
These are such a common sense that all people should know by heart.

My whole family was so excited to attend my brother's graduation ceremony at UC Davis. His honor was highly important to us as we appreciate education in general, that's why everyone flew over to the far land of United States just for that one day.

Some of you may not find it as important or treat it as just another day but coming from a country that great school and higher level education is limited, almost none when I was young. It is a big deal.

What happen was my mother went through immigration at SF international airport and the officer who happen to be "white" he told us that her passport expiration date should be 6 months from the visa issued. I never heard of that before but the guy sent us to a room where an "Asian" officer was working and he just let us go because he said it's no big deal! We waited 45 minutes in there. That's one discrimination.

So Asian family tend to carry ton of cash when travel, specially my family, our country is not credit base. We work with cash in thousand and thousand of dollars, it is so common to see a dress-down gentlemen wears flip-flop but bank in hundred thousand cash in one time.

As I said, my brother's graduation is a big deal so my mum carried big sum of cash just enough to spend for his after graduation dinner and to sustain our one week in America for all 7 of our family members. On the other hand, I carried a certain sum just to open bank account in America for my son just because I assumed it will be safer and better for his future, who was six months old and sick at the time.

This last trip proved my decision to move back and never obtain the citizenship are all right thing to do. We didn't declare our cash on hand as a family, so officer "TRUN" (will never forget that name) stop us and inspect all of our luggage, cut them open, go through every little detail even our hand carry bags, and we couldn't touch any of it until they said so. Just because during the questioning my sister mentions that he wasn't as fortunate as my son that his mother is saving for him, he got so upset and wasn't going to let us go easily, his supervisor who is again "white" American pulls him aside told him to be firm and threaten us. Second discrimination.

The government of America was going to confiscate all of our cash on hand because we didn't declare the total amount (Come on! do their mother tell them how much money she have?? Why would my mother tell me honestly in the first place how much she was carrying!)

And accused my father of having a record with false declaration. Really!?? My father doesn't even speak a single English word

ME: "I want a lawyer, if you are going confiscated all of our money"
Officer TRUN: "Let me check with my supervisor"
after 10 minutes
Officer TRUN: "Ok this time we will let it be a warning so you can leave"

All of that after argument, anger and tension we waited for 3 hours! My six months old was on high fever and we have been tired from the plane ride over 17 hours! Seriously this is how people who work with honest money being treated for bringing TOO MUCH MONEY to spend in America?

I regretted for have had study in America and for allowing my son to become its citizen.

What's the different between American government and its policy holds comparing to other countries?

One thing I know for sure it don't give a f***** about tourism or customer service.

Thanks Heaven I wasn't born as American otherwise I will be that ignorant.

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Delicious combination...

Today is a lazy day for me since I didn't have much sleep last night and my mind won't stop thinking of random thoughts. I love my son and he's the cutest person ever but he never sleep well during the night. I wonder what are the thoughts that going through his head. I woke up late for work (not like there's restriction of me going or leaving) so I stay at office during lunch break to work on my personal projects and before entering the office, I stop by a mini mart and found these:
A Crispy Anchovy in red pepper powder which came from Thailand and it's manufacture by a company names Utai-Tim Crispy Fish. What a great snack! I was looking for something to top my instant noodle and so happy to find it.

The packaging is great and it goes really well with my noodle. It is my first time to try both if you like spicy and have very little time for lunch try them out. It doesn't have to crispy anchovy, I think many thing go well with instant noodle. The instant noodle is MYOJO brand from Singapore by NISSIN group of Japan. The favor I got was spicy mushroom which tasted just like Korean 'Shin' noodle. It has the kimchi favoring.

The anchovy is sweet and crispy, the noodle is salty and spicy so it kind of balance it off. I was looking for spam to go with my noodle (which is the best combination to me) but the mart didn't carry any. I think Asian people don't really eat spam unlike in America where spam is easy to find and affordable. Share with me if you are having instant noodle combination, I like to know what other eat with their instant noodle. 

Monday, July 28, 2014

Book of the month

Since working for the company I have try many ways to enhance the working environment and doing something good for our staff despite there is time where I gave up on the company due to the leader's vision and management style differ from my beliefs.

An average education level is low through out Cambodia, individual who obtain sufficient education will be able to find job and work at some comfortable surrounding and I like to think that this company is doing something to create a better working condition.

I started a book reader session on a monthly basis, but there are so few of them like to read which is sad but understandable. I used to dislike books and I though it is so boring to read on print. Only after I moved back that books have become an eye opening for me and keep me company through all these empty time. When I finish a book, I always feel that I learn something new.

This month I have been reading One Man's View of the WORLD - Lee Kuan Yew. An interesting insightful of his opinion on the world. I admirer his character and Singapore is fortunate to have such a leader.

It is a great book from a leader perspective, pick up and have read. Great for politic enthusiast.


Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Oceanography....deep blue sea

Interestingly I came across an article published today on BBC NEWS on the down under species and it said scientist has only focus on shallow water and we have no knowledge about other out there. Today I learn that there's a Kingdom call Animalia and I bet your spelling check doesn't even carry this word. It sounds so awesome tho and I get to wiki search on animal like snailfish, cusk-eel, amphipod which look like shrimp and crayfish cross breed.

Alicella gigantea have you heard of it? Such a cool name and so much that scientist doesn't know about them.

It the deep blue that keep me wonder.

Check out for more reading

Swim away.....